Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sebbie's nuts

Latest Sebbie. Self explanatory, really.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Guild of Boston Artists

I'm happy to announce that my painting, June Bug Portrait, has been juried into this year's Regional Painting Competition of the Guild of Boston Artists.  

Thursday, July 10, 2014


I've been working on a lot of things lately. In addition to the usual Sebbie and other still lives, I've been trying to get back into portraiture. I started that attempt with a full length seated figure, which may have been me diving into the deep end without first confirming if I still knew how to swim. I'm getting there, but that painting's been an uphill battle. I decided to start where I should have started, with a simple portrait study, after the fact, and so below you find such a study. It's not wonderful, but it's a start, and it's great to be painting people again, and now I realize how much I need to tweak the lighting in my studio to make it portrait-ready.

After a long day of setting up a new Sebbie and trying to repaint the hands on the above mentioned full length portrait with little success, I decided to take a break and do a portrait of my new studio pet, Lancelot. He's a blue frog, in case that wasn't obvious, he makes me smile and doesn't require feeding or shed on my paintings, so he's perfect.